In His Service

I pray my words will always reflect my love for & service to God.

27 April 2010

Proverbs 3: 5-6

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart & do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him & He will make your paths straight.' (NASB)

I've been asking God to show me what the verses I memorize really mean. This morning, as I sat on my jumpseat taxiing to the gate in St Louis, I was asking God about this Scripture. This is what He showed me:
I need to trust God with my entire being, all of the time, no matter what is going on. I don't see the entire picture, my understanding is limited. I need to be mindful that God is the leader of my life & seek His guidance in every single area of my life, in every instance, I need to seek Him/His will. God will never give me bad direction.

Now I pray I will bring these verses to life, in my life.

On another note, as I was driving to work this morning, I listened to my favorite Christian radio stations, one from home to about exit 87, another from there to about exit 107 and the last from I 40 to the airport. I was really listening to the songs, to the words this morning, asking God to speak to me through them. I don't know the title of this particular song but the questions asked have stayed with me the entire day: 'Why not here? Why not now?'  Reminding me to let others see God's love in me no matter where I am; to begin this moment, don't put it off until another time.
Have others been able to see God's love in my life today? I wonder.

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