In His Service

I pray my words will always reflect my love for & service to God.

18 August 2010

Oh Me of Little Faith......still

Once again, God has had to remind me of how little faith I have in my prayers. I need to be like the little girl who was the only one who came to a special prayer service for rain carrying an umbrella. I prayed yesterday that God would open a seat for me to get on a flight home. If I really believed that prayer, I would have told Mike I would be home last night. Then he wouldn't have made dinner plans he had to cancel, instead, he would have started home from the beach earlier, in anticipation of picking me up from the airport. I have to thank God for this reminder, little by little my eyes are being opened at just how small I am & how AWESOME is He!

04 August 2010

What do you think?

I took this pic when we took our granddaughter to the aquarium during her visit
a couple weeks ago.
I get the impression they don't want anyone touching the about you?