Some of you already know I am starting training at our sister airline Sep 28. It was a difficult decision, transferring to our sister company. (I like to say R is CHQ's 'little' sister since CHQ was here first....LOL.) Not only did this transfer include being away from home but also enduring 3+weeks of training scheduled 8-5 Mon - Sat as well as being based in another state. This was all ok, as I would still be senior enough that I would be able to pick my trips & many of them overnight in the city I live. The last thing that made this a difficult decision is leaving all my co workers at my present base. We are a small base & more like a family than co workers. However, despite all this, I put in the bid to transfer to R.
Why would I want to transfer you might ask. Several reasons, one being the fact that our base is small, we are losing some flying & fear CHQ may close this base. Second, the rumors that R would open my present base as one of theirs & if that happened, I wanted to be in place to get back there. Well, yesterday, R announced they are opening my present base on Nov 1. This means I will be right back where I want to be, a mere 1 1/2 hour drive away from home! God's timing is perfect! Praising Him!
You know I'm excited about this for you! Praise the Lord!