I recently read Ann Voskamp's 'one thousand gifts' and am inspired to join her and others in finding joy in the everyday.
I recently read Ann Voskamp's 'one thousand gifts' and am inspired to join her and others in finding joy in the everyday.
1. Bright sunshine despite the cold start to the day.
2. The messiness of a baby's first tastes of cereal.
3. Baby's pouty lower lip, just before he cries.
4. Worship music, on CD
5. Rare time alone.
6. Sunshine
7. Random children riding bikes in the park.
8. Clothesline to dry clothes.
9. Dear hubby going one step farther and putting clothesline on a pulley.
10. Freshly washed vases sparkling on the bulkhead.
11. Listening to dear hubby's memories as we drive through New River Marine Corps Base.
12. Raindrops glistening on the windshield.
13. The look of appreciation in return for a sincere smile.
14. The ability and means to cook carrots for sweet baby to taste.
15. Sunshine, after days of grey skies and rain.
16. The messy look of baby's face after a meal of rice cereal.
17. Warmth of sweet baby sleeping in my arms.
18. Shower water drowning out sound of tears.
19.Smell of laundry that has been dried outside on the clothesline.
20. First sip of coffee for the day.
21. Friends who really care. and pray.
22. The sound of vacuum being run. I'm not running it.
Feb 23
23. The warmth of the sunshine as I push the grandbaby's stroller through the park.
24. The sound of thunder and rain in the middle of the night.
25. The back seat of the car filled with bags of groceries donated to the soup kitchen.
26. An hour spent reading Hosea while hubby reads about Moses.
27. The quiet that is before anyone else wakes up.
28. Old time hymns.
29. The toothless smile of sweet grandbaby.
30. The sound of confidence in my 'baby's' voice as she talks about her faith.
31. Having both parents still alive.
32. Having the time to help out at the local soup kitchen.
33. The feeling of belonging to a church family after many, many years of searching for just the right one.
34. Friends who will pray, even when I cannot.
35. Modern technology, which allows me to work from home, on my own schedule, many times in my pajamas.
36. Living in the south, where snow is not a common occurance.
37. Running water.
38. Electricty.
39. Hot water.
40. Not so modern technology, automatic washer and electric dryer.
41. Sweet baby sleeping in his mommy's arms.
42. Unexpected gifts from friends.
43. Rare phone calls from my only son.
44. Bountiful pantry and fridge
45. Hot coffee
46. The feel of the pages of a book as I read.
47. Just being with my hubby.
WOW, has it really been that long since I've posted?
Where do I begin?
48. Great driving conditions for driving to PA
49. Modern medicine & treatment of stroke patients.
50. God's hand in my mother's recovery.
51. Brighton Hot Dog Shoppe
52. Being 'back home' even if it isn't a pleasure trip.
53. Oram's Donuts
54. Friends who will pitch in with childcare when needed.
55. Loving spouse who gives his blessings to go when he is really concerned about his wife driving 8 hours alone.
56. Unseasonably warm weather in PA for late Feb/early Mar.
57. Perfect driving conditions for driving back to NC.
58. sleeping beside hubby, even with his snoring
59. comfy mattress
60. sweet grandbaby's smiles and cuddles
61. concern of those who eat at the soup kitchen over my being away for 1 week
62. walking partner who doesn't mind if we skip a day. or 2
63. freedom to worship
64. availability of the printed Word
65. the quiet nudging of the Holy Spirit
66. unexpected finds along the road.....covered sandbox/pool
67. seeing growth in someone lost
68. rolling thunder, bright lightening
69. spring rains
70. blooming flowers
71. unexpected friendship....Marilyn
72. fellowship outside of church with other Christians
73. sense of belonging
74. laughing so much the tears start
75. three wonderful days spend with hubby as we learned more about ourselves and marriage
76. peace that comes with changes in family members
77. soft pajamas
78. smell of freshly laundered bedding
79. look of determination on sweet boy's face as he tries to crawl
80. contentment of sweet boy as he plays with a container of clothes pins
81. packing away winter clothes
82. tie dye socks
83. quiet picnic area of park to spend some time in God's Word & in prayer
84. Puffs Plus, for the 100th time I've blown my nose in the last hour!
85. spring
86. praying friends
87. automatic washer
88. electric dryer
89. easy dessert recipes
90. time alone
91. soft fur of the cat as she lays on my lap
92. Pandora Radio

2. The messiness of a baby's first tastes of cereal.
3. Baby's pouty lower lip, just before he cries.
4. Worship music, on CD
5. Rare time alone.
6. Sunshine
7. Random children riding bikes in the park.
8. Clothesline to dry clothes.
9. Dear hubby going one step farther and putting clothesline on a pulley.
10. Freshly washed vases sparkling on the bulkhead.
11. Listening to dear hubby's memories as we drive through New River Marine Corps Base.
12. Raindrops glistening on the windshield.
13. The look of appreciation in return for a sincere smile.
14. The ability and means to cook carrots for sweet baby to taste.
15. Sunshine, after days of grey skies and rain.
16. The messy look of baby's face after a meal of rice cereal.
17. Warmth of sweet baby sleeping in my arms.
18. Shower water drowning out sound of tears.
19.Smell of laundry that has been dried outside on the clothesline.
20. First sip of coffee for the day.
21. Friends who really care. and pray.
22. The sound of vacuum being run. I'm not running it.
Feb 23
23. The warmth of the sunshine as I push the grandbaby's stroller through the park.
24. The sound of thunder and rain in the middle of the night.
25. The back seat of the car filled with bags of groceries donated to the soup kitchen.
26. An hour spent reading Hosea while hubby reads about Moses.
27. The quiet that is before anyone else wakes up.
28. Old time hymns.
29. The toothless smile of sweet grandbaby.
30. The sound of confidence in my 'baby's' voice as she talks about her faith.
31. Having both parents still alive.
32. Having the time to help out at the local soup kitchen.
33. The feeling of belonging to a church family after many, many years of searching for just the right one.
34. Friends who will pray, even when I cannot.
35. Modern technology, which allows me to work from home, on my own schedule, many times in my pajamas.
36. Living in the south, where snow is not a common occurance.
37. Running water.
38. Electricty.
39. Hot water.
40. Not so modern technology, automatic washer and electric dryer.
41. Sweet baby sleeping in his mommy's arms.
42. Unexpected gifts from friends.
43. Rare phone calls from my only son.
44. Bountiful pantry and fridge
45. Hot coffee
46. The feel of the pages of a book as I read.
47. Just being with my hubby.
WOW, has it really been that long since I've posted?
Where do I begin?
48. Great driving conditions for driving to PA
49. Modern medicine & treatment of stroke patients.
50. God's hand in my mother's recovery.
51. Brighton Hot Dog Shoppe
52. Being 'back home' even if it isn't a pleasure trip.
53. Oram's Donuts
54. Friends who will pitch in with childcare when needed.
55. Loving spouse who gives his blessings to go when he is really concerned about his wife driving 8 hours alone.
56. Unseasonably warm weather in PA for late Feb/early Mar.
57. Perfect driving conditions for driving back to NC.
58. sleeping beside hubby, even with his snoring
59. comfy mattress
60. sweet grandbaby's smiles and cuddles
61. concern of those who eat at the soup kitchen over my being away for 1 week
62. walking partner who doesn't mind if we skip a day. or 2
63. freedom to worship
64. availability of the printed Word
65. the quiet nudging of the Holy Spirit
66. unexpected finds along the road.....covered sandbox/pool
67. seeing growth in someone lost
68. rolling thunder, bright lightening
69. spring rains
70. blooming flowers
71. unexpected friendship....Marilyn
72. fellowship outside of church with other Christians
73. sense of belonging
74. laughing so much the tears start
75. three wonderful days spend with hubby as we learned more about ourselves and marriage
76. peace that comes with changes in family members
77. soft pajamas
78. smell of freshly laundered bedding
79. look of determination on sweet boy's face as he tries to crawl
80. contentment of sweet boy as he plays with a container of clothes pins
81. packing away winter clothes
82. tie dye socks
83. quiet picnic area of park to spend some time in God's Word & in prayer
84. Puffs Plus, for the 100th time I've blown my nose in the last hour!
85. spring
86. praying friends
87. automatic washer
88. electric dryer
89. easy dessert recipes
90. time alone
91. soft fur of the cat as she lays on my lap
92. Pandora Radio
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