Today I took a fight at 7:14 to PHL, then another to IND for day 1 of training. My daughter is with me & about this I have this to say: She is so me at that age! Stressed & cranky does not even begin to describe her today.
Our flight was scheduled to arrive at 12:35, we were initially told to go to the hotel, check in then be at the training center at 1pm. I contacted the head of trainig by email, she responded in kind, stating we were to have the hotel shuttle take us directly to the training center, we would be allowed to leave early after our drug/alcohol test & announcement test. Let me explain, we are among 4 transfers in a class of 40. The company has our fingerprints on file, we already have our uniforms. The hotel van picked us up at 12:50, we arrive at the training center at 2min to 1p. We enter the training room, there are 3 people who show us to our seats, start handing us paperwork to fill out then turn around & tell us to clear our desks, for our first test. BTW, I scored 100%......not that we are competing, but that was higher than my daughter.....LOL When I finish my test, I turn it over, then start filling out the paperwork.....then we are told when we finish, to leave the classroom so they know we are done. Can you say disorganized & lack of communication? When everyone is finished, we are herded back into the classroom to hear about sexual harassment & the company's policy on drug/alcohol usage/abuse. Keep in mind, we have never been introduced to the trainers, this is important later on. We hear all about how we shouldn't call anyone 'honey, darlin, stud muffin' get the idea. We hear about our company's zero tolerance for drug/alcohol abuse yada, yada, yada. We are reminded that we will need to pee in a cup.....drink your water everyone! After standing in line for what seems like an eternity (after drinking close to 30oz of water & several cups of coffee) its finally my turn! I'm told how much I need to contribute....'like that is going to be any problem', I think. Afterwards, I go to the breakroom where fingerprinting is going on, not knowing that the woman doing the fingerprinting is not a trainer, but an outside vendor, I ask her if the transfers can leave, since we have already been told we do not need to be fingerprinted & we don't need to order uniforms, since we already own them. She tells me we can. I call the hotel & am told it will be 20min. OK, fine. I'm outside waiting when I am told, no we can't leave. I tell a trainer about the email from the director of training & he wants to see it. Of course, this is the only correspondence I did not print. I'm a little frustrated because by this time the hotel van has arrived & I'm feeling like my integrity is being questioned. AND, does anyone in training comunicate with one another?? Who would come up with something like 'the dir. of training emailed me that we would be able to leave early to get checked into the hotel'? How easily this could be verified, right? Finally, after 3 trainers have conferred, they decide there is no reason we should have to hang out while the new hires finish fingerprinting & uniforms. WOO HOO we get to leave (it is now a bit after 5p) We get back to the lobby, to discover the van driver has left, left word that he will be back. We call the hotel, they are unable to reach the driver as his phone is not working! FINALLY, the van shows up & we 4 are on our way to the hotel. We get checked in & I am now unpacked & settled into my 'home' for the next 3 weeks.
Does it sound like I have little tolerance disorganization & lack of communication?
On the positive note, because my glass is half full: I am in a great room by myself with a fridge & microwave.
Oh, that's so crazy! And then the room drama that followed!