This is for my children and grandchildren so they know what I am doing at this time of my life. I spend much of my time in the spare room/scrapbook room/office, especially when Mike & Missy are at work/school.
When I am not working, I am listening to Christian Music on Pandora Radio
This is where I work, LiveOps.
Iron Women is a group of 5 of us who initially met at CafeMom, became online friends and meet at Chatzy, in our special chatroom to catch up with one another, listen to praises & prayer requests, encourage and sometimes commiserate with one another. Whether its spiritual, family, cooking or crafting, we share it all!

I can check my email when I'm working when the phone isn't working. Mike always makes fun of how many emails I have. Coffee is my friend, especially when I am sitting early in the morning waiting for the phone to ring. Oh, its decaf

This is about the space of work surface I have when I'm working, the laptop sits to the left. Wonder why I didn't take a picture of that? LOL

So there you have just a little piece of my daily life.
What a fun post!