My Slice of Sanity, The Gandy’s Home Base, Angela’s Pursuit of Life, ThoughtsandCreations from Here There and Everywhere, and Harvest of Pearls have joined together to bring you “Iron Women of the Word" blog hop. Once a week we will share about our time in the Word and invite you to share your time in the Word as well. If you have words of encouragement, a devotion or other Christian related post to link up that would be awesome! If you are a "Iron Woman of the Word" and would like to find other Christian Bloggers --link up! Please grab the button to spread the word about our fellowship! We am looking forward to our fellowship!
I receive several devotions daily in my email. Today, Girlfriends in God has me thinking about what holds me back from serving God. Like Moses, my past is not all ice cream and cake. I've made my share of mistakes, I've turned my back on God countless times, preferring to do things 'my way'. However, God was able to use Moses in spite of his past. Why do I think He couldn't use me? Exodus 4:11-12 "The Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now then go, and I even I will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say." (NASB) This is after God had told Moses he was going to be his spokesman to the Pharoah and to the Israelites, Moses had countered with his excuse, I can't speak well, I've never been able to speak well. (I can almost hear the whine, can't you?) How often I have said nearly the same thing. 'I can't do that Lord, I don't have the ability, look at where I've been, what I've done.' (hear the whine?) God's answer is right there, in Exodus 4:11-12. I cannot even begin to count the number of times I've read that passage and never considered applying it to me. What makes me even more sad is to think of the blessings I have missed because like I responded like Moses in Exodus 9: 13 'Please Lord, now send the message by whomever You will." I can almost hear Moses saying, 'I don't care who you send the message by as long as I don't have to do it.' God was angry with Moses but still used him to free the Israelites and bring them out of Egypt.
What an awesome God we serve! One who knows our every thought and has planned our lives according to His will, regardless of how we fight him. I am going to have to memorize Ex 4:11-12 and remember that it is God who enables me to do His work, not Sandy. I'm still a work in progress but today, a more willing work in progress! In His Service
I read the devotional this morning. It is right how many times do we try to run from what the Lord is telling us to do.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Sandy, I can so relate to Moses. Thank you Lord for your willingness to continue to love us in spite of everything that we do.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many times when I have hoped that God would send someone else to do a job that I know He has called me to do. And if I choose to put it off, or not do it, He bombards me with whatever it is I am to do. :) Why do we feel that we are never good enough (or sometimes just don't want to) for a job that God has planned for us? don't you think that if He is calling us, He will equipt us? I struggle so much with this! ;)