About Me
In His Service
I pray my words will always reflect my love for & service to God.
31 October 2009
Just wondering......
What does it mean when one says 'you are in my thoughts'? I notice this is said mainy when others are going through a trial. What exactly will your thoughts do? Do you really mean that you are going to pray for that person? Why don't you say that? Just wondering.
27 October 2009
Mother & Daughter

Here we are, Graceanne & I on 'graduation' day! I never dreamed I would be going through a training class with my daughter, and look.....after 3 weeks of daily interaction, we still like each other!
It was kind of scary, watching & listening to her, seeing how much like me she is in so many ways. I had realized she was like me in some ways, but being with her each day for 3 weeks, my eyes were opened so much wider!
I wish I saw more faith in God in her daily life, seems she forgets sometimes where her strength really comes from. Of course, aren't many of us guilty of the same thing? I know I am. I know God forgives me for not being a stronger, more consistent Christian mom for my children as they were growing up but I'm not sure I have forgiven myself. I can't help but wonder if she would be making better choices if I had been a better example. Don't get me wrong, she's a great daughter, hardworking, motivated & self supporting; she's never given me a moments worry, at least about worldly things. I suppose many of us as parents of grown children wonder how we could have done things differently, to make them stronger against satan's attacks. I am reminded that God has given us all (even my children) freedom to choose. I am confident Graceanne has the tools she needs to walk in God's ways, now I need to let her go.
It was kind of scary, watching & listening to her, seeing how much like me she is in so many ways. I had realized she was like me in some ways, but being with her each day for 3 weeks, my eyes were opened so much wider!
I wish I saw more faith in God in her daily life, seems she forgets sometimes where her strength really comes from. Of course, aren't many of us guilty of the same thing? I know I am. I know God forgives me for not being a stronger, more consistent Christian mom for my children as they were growing up but I'm not sure I have forgiven myself. I can't help but wonder if she would be making better choices if I had been a better example. Don't get me wrong, she's a great daughter, hardworking, motivated & self supporting; she's never given me a moments worry, at least about worldly things. I suppose many of us as parents of grown children wonder how we could have done things differently, to make them stronger against satan's attacks. I am reminded that God has given us all (even my children) freedom to choose. I am confident Graceanne has the tools she needs to walk in God's ways, now I need to let her go.
17 October 2009
Graduation Day
Praise God! I have completed my training at R and I am back in my home state! I'm sure Indianapolis is a lovely city, however, I only saw the airport, hotel, walmart & the training center. I am not going to miss any of those! We arrived at the training center to promptly begin our final exam at 8am. By 10a we all knew we passed! It was bittersweet, we all had bonded with one another & with the trainers. We received our certificates & our wings, had some cake, took a million & one pics (post some later) & off to the airport we went. I'm looking forward to hubby picking me up.....we will stop & have dinner then spend an entire day at home tomorrow before leaving again.
Can anyone out there tell me what a Hoosier is?
I have to say THANK YOU to those who prayed & encouraged me & you all know who you are. I could not have done it without yours & God's help.
I will be off line the rest of today & will look for my friends in the am.
What should I write about next?
Can anyone out there tell me what a Hoosier is?
I have to say THANK YOU to those who prayed & encouraged me & you all know who you are. I could not have done it without yours & God's help.
I will be off line the rest of today & will look for my friends in the am.
What should I write about next?
14 October 2009
Almost finished!
Praise God! I am almost finished with this training. Saturday am we take the final & get our wings! Tonight we go to the hangar to practice our planned emergency evacuations. We have no idea what position (A or B FA) or who our partner is until we get there. Last night's group of 18 were there from 10p - 2am! (one person failed & was sent home) Thank God for my status as a transfer, as I have to be on my way back to the hotel by 1am. Class starts at 1030a with a test first thing. My group is going to practice at the pool this evening, so if you are at our hotel, you may just hear us..... 'Brace! Brace! Heads Down! Stay Down! And folks, if you are told to 'Leave Everything, Get Out!' That is exactly what we mean....if you try to leave the airplane with your purse, bag, whatever it will be snatched out of your hands & thrown anywhere we can.............we have 90 seconds to evacuate........... LEAVE EVERYTHING!
We have gone from a class of 40 to a class of 29, several people left on their own accord; several failed testing; several were sent home for breaking 1 or more rules. It is always sad to get to class & see someone no longer there.....many times we don't even get to say goodbye. The sad thing is, not everyone is flight attendant material.
Today we took these personality tests.......not so shocking, the results for me were Director/Social. Anyone who knows me will agree, this is an accurate assessment.
Leave me some feedback, have you enjoyed these posts?
We have gone from a class of 40 to a class of 29, several people left on their own accord; several failed testing; several were sent home for breaking 1 or more rules. It is always sad to get to class & see someone no longer there.....many times we don't even get to say goodbye. The sad thing is, not everyone is flight attendant material.
Today we took these personality tests.......not so shocking, the results for me were Director/Social. Anyone who knows me will agree, this is an accurate assessment.
Leave me some feedback, have you enjoyed these posts?
11 October 2009
I am enjoying a quiet, no stress Sunday morning. Just finished watching This Week. Chatting with a good friend on yahoo messenger. Contemplating the day. This is the last week of training, several tests & drills this week. Final & graduation on Saturday then on to home, sweet, home. I missed M's first homecoming dance last evening......and no one has sent me pics yet. I'm not a very patient person either!
I've had a bit of a creative bug this week, sketching several scrapbook page layouts in between my note taking. I can't wait to get back home & make them come alive!
Today, I plan to work on a study of Daniel, I've neglected for 2 weeks; watch the Pittsburgh Steelers if they play early; perhaps get a movie from NetFlix; straighten up my room; maybe spend a bit of time in the hot tub & get ready for the last week of training.
I've had a bit of a creative bug this week, sketching several scrapbook page layouts in between my note taking. I can't wait to get back home & make them come alive!
Today, I plan to work on a study of Daniel, I've neglected for 2 weeks; watch the Pittsburgh Steelers if they play early; perhaps get a movie from NetFlix; straighten up my room; maybe spend a bit of time in the hot tub & get ready for the last week of training.
07 October 2009
Doors & Fire Fighting
Today was our day to practice opening & closing the doors; unplanned evacuations & fire fighting. This was a pretty fun day, with alot of activity, only a few hours of in class Power Point & lecturing.
This morning, our group practiced with the door & unplanned evacuation. It makes so much more sense when you are actually there, touching & feeling & seeing what it is you are going to be closing every day you work. (under normal circumstances, we do not open the door, the gate agent does) I will have to remember 'big handle, big trouble'. This is how our trainer teaches us.......if we open the door, we'll be in 'big' trouble with her....LOL The Emb 145 does not have emergency slides, and we FAs opened it. I have to say, I did a fair job on the door & remembered most of my evac commands. It is a bit tough for me to remember to shout commands while opening the doors though.
After lunch, we sat in the classroom & reviewed fire procedures. Did you know that plain ole water is the best way to put out a lithium battery (think laptop) fire? If you use an extinguisher to put out the initial fire, soak it with water to cut out the heat source.....see, I did learn something new today! Then, we went outside to fight fires....my favorite part! It was fun to watch the instructor relight fires for several of us......just to remind us that in the real world, fires can reignite.
Tomorrow I will be going down the evacuation slide! I have never done so & admit I'm a bit nervous. This might sound strange for a FA to say but, I'm not a fan of heights. I'm also excited.....should be a fun day! I'm hoping to get some pics, in which case, I'll post one.
I am so glad to be done early today, looking forward to starting class at 8a & finishing by 6 again tomorrow. I am off to study our unplanned emergency evacuation procedures, so I will pass the first time I try. I also need to study the location of the emergency equipment on the Embraer 170: 70 seats, no closet; 70 seats closet; 76seats & Emb 175: 86seats.
'Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy & find grace to help in time of need.' Hebrews 4:16
Thank you T, the verses you've been giving me mean more than you can know!
This morning, our group practiced with the door & unplanned evacuation. It makes so much more sense when you are actually there, touching & feeling & seeing what it is you are going to be closing every day you work. (under normal circumstances, we do not open the door, the gate agent does) I will have to remember 'big handle, big trouble'. This is how our trainer teaches us.......if we open the door, we'll be in 'big' trouble with her....LOL The Emb 145 does not have emergency slides, and we FAs opened it. I have to say, I did a fair job on the door & remembered most of my evac commands. It is a bit tough for me to remember to shout commands while opening the doors though.
After lunch, we sat in the classroom & reviewed fire procedures. Did you know that plain ole water is the best way to put out a lithium battery (think laptop) fire? If you use an extinguisher to put out the initial fire, soak it with water to cut out the heat source.....see, I did learn something new today! Then, we went outside to fight fires....my favorite part! It was fun to watch the instructor relight fires for several of us......just to remind us that in the real world, fires can reignite.
Tomorrow I will be going down the evacuation slide! I have never done so & admit I'm a bit nervous. This might sound strange for a FA to say but, I'm not a fan of heights. I'm also excited.....should be a fun day! I'm hoping to get some pics, in which case, I'll post one.
I am so glad to be done early today, looking forward to starting class at 8a & finishing by 6 again tomorrow. I am off to study our unplanned emergency evacuation procedures, so I will pass the first time I try. I also need to study the location of the emergency equipment on the Embraer 170: 70 seats, no closet; 70 seats closet; 76seats & Emb 175: 86seats.
'Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy & find grace to help in time of need.' Hebrews 4:16
Thank you T, the verses you've been giving me mean more than you can know!
04 October 2009
I wonder.......
..... if the average passenger would be surprised to know that a flight attendant's training consists primarily of safety & emergency procedures? Does it give you comfort to know that we have the equipment needed & are trained for just about any medical emergency? Never the less, I pray that God continues to put a person trained in the medical field on any flight I work that has an emergency.
Praising God!
God has gotten me through this first week, carrying me, when I couldn't continue on my own. A very special friend gave me this Scripture on Friday: 'He gives strength to the weary and to him who lacks might He increases power' Isaiah 40:29 Believe me when I tell you, He gave me the strength to go on, passing Friday's test with a 98% & sending me an angel in the form of one of our pilots. This captain has been off work since the end of January, 2007. I flew with him his last trip. He knew he was having health problems; he didn't know it was bone cancer. I had no idea he was having any issues, he was his normal, happy self; as always, one of my favorite captains to fly with. Praise God! he as been cancer free for over a year, has gotten his medical back & should be back flying for us next week! He showed me pictures of his little one, 6mos old......what a cutie! What a treat & God knew I needed something that would perk me up & get me through the day after such a long day Thursday. Thursday we were in class 11a-815p; left the hotel at 930p to go to the hangar, getting back after midnight.
Today is our only day off this week. I am praying to rest, relax & enjoy fellowship with my Father.
Today is our only day off this week. I am praying to rest, relax & enjoy fellowship with my Father.
Wildlife Magnet?
Some of my classmates have been studying while walking in the mornings. I really need to get into a habit of walking again so I asked if I could join them. This morning was the first morning I went & there were just 2 of us. We left the hotel at 0715, drove to a park with a 2mile walking path. We were walking & quizzing one another there sitting next to the path was a beautiful cardinal, he sat there a few seconds then flew into the trees; we came upon a pond & there in the distance was a heron.....just sitting there so nice & pretty; we saw several rabbits, one was near the path, and instead of hopping away like the others, sat there and stared at us while we walked. My classmate asked if I was a wildlife magnet, she hadn't seen any previously. We spent the day in class; a couple hours tonight in the hangar & then went to Walmart to pick up a few things. On the way home, we missed our turn, drove a few miles, thinking we would find the highway. I finally said, 'Do you think we should turn around?' No sooner had we turned the car around, weren't even back up to the speed limit & what did we see? Three deer were crossing the road, from the yard of a home into a cornfield! My classmate is convinced, I am in fact a 'wildlife magnet'! Personally, I think God sent those to us today. This morning to lift us up so we could pass our tests & get through the day; tonight to reward us for our long & grueling week!
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